Public Enemies is the new it-show to watch!
After seeing Ong Sor Fern's review of Johnny Depp's new film Public Enemies for the Straits Times, I am thoroughly convinced that it will be a thrilling blockbuster. The well-known-to-be-stingy movie critic awarded the film four out of five stars, which equates to the "astoundingly impressive" level, I might say.
Personally, I had always wanted to watch this show ever since word got out that my two favourite Hollywood leading men Johnny Depp and Christian Bale were going to be in the same movie! (I wouldn't mind costar Channing Tatum as extra eye candy either.)

Public Enemies is a film about a 1930's serial bank robber Dillinger (Depp) who had gained popularity among the media and the people. He was charming, and had no sympathy for the banks that had plunged the country into the Depression. No jail could contain him, and it seemed like no one could stop him either. However, policeman Purvis (Bale), was hot on his trails, determined to capture the public-endearing Dillinger. This is followed by a series of wild chases and shootouts, before Purvis finally managed to lure Dillinger in....or not.

Sounds interesting enough? From the rave reviews about Depp playing the suave Dillinger, with his boyish good looks contrasted with the seriousness and gruffness of Bale as policeman Purvis, I am sure this movie will be a hell of a ride! I cannot wait to grab my tickets this weekend!

Dear all,
Recently I have been exposed to an array of temptations, ranging from junk food, to facebook, and of course, the opposite gender. As a teenager facing a major examination in the coming months, I do not need these distractions in my way of doing my best; because junk food would cause me to fall sick (which I already am, but am recovering), facebook would just lead me to spend fruitless hours staring into other's profiles pages, and guys would just bring me on an emotional roller coaster which I do not want to embark on.
There, I said it.
The biggest temptation of all, is guys. Getting into a relationship is this massive black hole of desire that sucks all unwary or over-hormonal teenagers in. This suction force is especially strong for me, for several reasons:
1. People around me are getting attached, so peer pressure does play a part. I think.
2. Or maybe it's just my hormones screaming at me to satisfy them!
3. I'm not exactly a leper who is disfigured, so there are several guys already making advances.
However, they say that the best way to handle temptation is to give in to it!
(Seriously, whoever made that statement is an ill-disciplined loser.)
Guys in their adolescent years are immature and foolish. All they ever want to do is "score" a girl and then move on to the next one. It's much like a game. They will not stop until they've got you, but once they have, they'll dump you away. Thats what I hear most of the time anyway.
So for now, I am just going to concentrate on having good friends and to study hard for my exams. Wish me luck!
p.s: I had no time to continue ranting about this topic, so I ended it off abruptly, haha. (:
Like what they always say, "when there are no expectations, there are no disappointments".
So I spent the entire day expecting something from someone. And this expected thing from this someone never came. It never used to be like this, but I guess I it became so natural for this someone to do this something that I took it for granted, and started expecting it. Then one day, when the cycle breaks, ka-boom, you feel disappointed. And trust me; its not a nice feeling.
You feel as though your feelings have been played. A ton of negative thoughts fill your mind- and no, I do not want to elaborate on them- thats like getting the same blow twice.
However, if you trace all the way back to the root of the problem: you realise that the reason for your misery is completely unfounded! It was your fault to begin with- you set those high expectations for the person. The gratitude you once felt for those extra things the person did for you turned into something taken for granted!
After this moral-of-the-day dawned upon me, I felt so much better.
And guess what? I got what I was waiting for. Just that from now onwards, I'll be taking it with gratitude, and not for granted. :)

I decided to blog again, partly because I'm sick and have nothing to do at home, but mostly because I realised that I shouldn't just let time pass--I got to make the most of it and remember it.
I'm down with the flu (no, its not H1n1), and it unfortunately comes with a terrible cough that makes me sound like I'm dying! Sigh, I miss school ttm.
But I shouldn't let my first post here be one of lament and complains--afterall, the best of us can find happiness in misery! hahahaa. Lets see, I have a ton of things to look forward to, mainly:
1. Studying with a friend that I haven't seen for a long time on Friday
2. Going out on Saturday
3. Studying extremely hard for the next few weeks until after the 6th of August, where I swear I'm going to play equally hard. (for like, 2 days only.)
Okay there is more, but I'm not going to disclose it all here.
Bleh, being bored to death at home does serve as a reminder of how wonderful school is (although most people would hate admitting it). Without school, you just spend the whole day wandering around at home, no gossip to fuel your interest, no friends for you the talk crap with, basically, life is monotonous.
I pray I get well soon!